Family had to flee home due to mold illness

A family in Hermitage, TN had to flee to their summer home in Florida due to the wife’s declining health from mold illness. When we arrived for the inspection, their live-in housekeeper—who had been with them for ten years—was defensive and skeptical, seeing our presence as an insult to her cleaning. Here are the results from the test:

After seeing the tests the housekeeper relented and wanted to do what was best for the family. She left us the key so we could treat the home while she traveled for Christmas.

Here are the results from after the treatment:

As you can see just a half day of treatment rid the home of the brown, Epicoccum and reduced the Alternaria spore counts to minimal levels.

After Christmas we stopped by the house to give her the key back and she opened the door with a huge smile on her face and apologized saying “I’m sorry I doubted you. Last night was the first time I’ve woken up without a headache in almost a decade!”

The family returned shortly after and reported that their symptoms were clear.

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Untreated, mold takes over.  Claim your free inspection.

Claro offers free inspections across Greater Nashville. If we find mold, our easy half-day treatment is guaranteed for a year.

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